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The Role of Legal Historians in Modern Society image
The history or legal history of laws is the study of the actual development of laws and why they have changed. Legal history works within the larger context of socio-legal history and is closely associated with the evolution of civilisations.
It studies legal systems and precedents set by previous generations of people and the subsequent changes in those systems and processes which produced legal systems based on those same traditions and values. It also studies legal practices from different parts of the world and analyzes different features of legal systems to determine how they function in practice, and draws upon this information to identify and explain certain shortcomings which need to be rectified. In some ways it overlaps with historical studies as it studies legal developments which produce distinctive results from similar legal practices from different areas.

It is a field rich in terminology, concepts and perspectives, but also with a wide range of theoretical approaches. Legal historians are distinguished by their focus on legal history, and their engagement with the history of legal studies. There are two main areas of concentration, which are discussed in legal history, namely cases and caseload. Within the history of cases, legal historians study cases brought before the courts over the last century and include both common law and statutory law. They also study modern cases and their interpretation, including tort reform.

On the other hand, legal history research concentrates on the analysis of past decisions of the courts, concentrating especially on cases dealing with criminal law. The focus is sometimes on a local or national context, and sometimes on an international perspective. This research seeks to explain behaviour, attitudes and social policies through legal decisions. For this field, scholars use different methods, some of which are described below. Methods used include case studies, comparative analysis and literary research. One can draw on prior scholarship and literature for the development of a good knowledge base and to conduct original research.

Other than writing books and publications, lawyers can rely on other sources such as the Internet, the library and legal history organizations for information and resources. In this day and age, there are legal libraries all over the world. Attending conferences, participating in online discussion forums and writing articles and blog posts are all ways to publish original research. Writing original scholarship papers is also now a pre-requisite course for many law schools. With the help of a dissertation editor, one can compile a cohesive, well-written paper that is sure to attract attention and win a spot at one of the law schools' undergraduate law program.

Law school is a competitive environment. Law school professors strive to be leaders in their subject matter. As a result, law school instructors often ask their students to develop an expertise in a particular area of the law. Some students go the extra mile and opt to take on part-time jobs in order to support themselves while they complete their degrees. Such students should therefore be aware of the various types of assistance which may be available to them and should be able to find a way to finance their legal education.

Students graduating from American universities have a rich background in American legal history. They have acquired vast knowledge about judicial history, federal law, white collar criminal law, labor law, family law and civil law. These skills can prove extremely beneficial when they enter the legal field. Those who complete an undergraduate degree program in history will be prepared for a career in any area of law. There are countless areas in which expertise in legal history can be extremely valuable.

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591 Camino De La Reina, Suite 700
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